TV Show 'Supergirl' 6 Seasons
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Better. Stronger. Together.
Twenty-four-year-old Kara Zor-El, who was taken in by the Danvers family when she was 13 after being sent away from Krypton, must learn to embrace her powers after previously hiding them. The Danvers teach her to be careful with her powers, until she has to reveal them during an unexpected disaster, setting her on her journey of heroism.
German (Deutsch)
Im Alter von zwölf Jahren wurde Kara Zor-El – wie ihr Cousin, der spätere Superman Kal-el – von ihren Eltern bei der Zerstörung ihres Heimatplaneten Krypton in einer Raumkapsel Richtung Erde geschickt. Dabei verschlägt es sie jedoch zunächst in die ominöse Phantomzone, sodass sie erst Jahre später auf dem Planeten ankommt, wo sie wohlbehütet, doch stets im Schatten ihrer Adoptivschwester Alex, bei den Danvers aufwächst. Zwölf Jahre später arbeitet Kara als Assistentin der einflussreichen Medienunternehmerin Cat Grant in National City. Bislang hat sie ihre übernatürlichen Kräfte, die sich ganz ähnlich wie bei ihrem berühmten Vetter entwickelt haben, geheim gehalten. Doch als es zu einem schweren Unglück kommt, beschließt sie, diese offen für das Gute einzusetzen. Unterstützt von Alex und dem Fotografen James Olsen beginnt sie, ihre Fähigkeiten mehr und mehr zu akzeptieren, um die Menschheit künftig vor irdischen und außerirdischen Bedrohungen schützen.
French (Français)
Les aventures de Kara Zor-El, la cousine de Superman. À 24 ans, après seulement quatre années passées sur Terre, la jeune femme se sent impuissante face à ses pouvoirs extraordinaires qu'on lui a appris à ne pas utiliser. Mais un désastre inattendu va la forcer à les révéler et c'est ainsi qu'elle commence à aider les habitants de sa ville, qui ne tardent pas à la surnommer Supergirl...
Italian (Italiano)
Kara Zor-El (Melissa Benoist), nata sul pianeta Kripton, viene spedita sulla Terra assieme a suo cugino Kal-El (poi noto come Superman) dai suoi genitori Alura (Laura Benanti) e Zor-El (Robert Gant). Adottata, accudita e cresciuta per 12 anni dalla famiglia Danvers, mentre lavora come giornalista per la testata giornalistica CatCo, diretta dalla superficiale Cat Grant (Calissa Flockhart ), rivela i propri poteri soprannaturali cercando di salvare da un disastro aereo la sorella acquisita Alex (Chyler Leigh), decidendo allora di trasformarsi in supereroina e proteggere i cittadini di National City. Nonostante le raccomandazioni ricevute, Kara decide poco avvedutamente di rivelare il suo segreto, cosa che la porterà ad affrontare di volta in volta nemici e alieni, sotto le mentite spoglie di esseri umani, sempre più determinati ad eliminarla. Tra questi vi è anche la zia Astra, che vuole conquistare la terra e vendicarsi di Alura, rea di averla fatta imprigionare su Krypton. Kara però, grazie anche al sostegno del suo collega fotografo Will (Jimmy Olsen), della sorella e del capo del Dipartimento di Operazioni Extranormali Hank Henshaw (David Harewood), riuscirà ad ostacolare i suoi tentativi e a frenare i suoi diabolici piani.
- Aired
- from
- to
- Status
- Ended
- Episode Runtimes
- Keywords
- adoring
- alien
- based on comic
- candid
- defiant
- dignified
- dramatic
- earnest
- empathetic
- female protagonist
- gentle
- hopeful
- inspirational
- intimate
- introspective
- loving
- meditative
- optimistic
- sincere
- superhero
- thoughtful
- wistful
- Genres
- Action & Adventure
- Drama
- Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
DC Entertainment
Berlanti Productions
Warner Bros. Television
- Networks
The CW
- Content Ratings / Classifications
- Ratings
- TMDb 73% · 4,212 (more information on website)
- IMDb 62% · 131,267 (more information on website)
Number | Overview | #Episodes | Air Date |
Season 1 | Kara Zor-El, Superman’s cousin, decides to finally embrace her superhuman abilities and become the hero she was always meant to be. Though Kara will need to find a way to manage her newfound powers with her very human relationships, her heart soars as she takes to the skies to fight crime. | 20 | |
Season 2 | Having left the safety of being Cat Grant’s assistant in order to figure out what she really wants to do, Kara continues to work at the DEO as Supergirl, protecting the citizens of National City and searching for Jeremiah and Cadmus. Along the way, she will team up with Superman to battle new villains, as she strives to balance her personal life with her life as a superhero. | 22 | |
Season 3 | As season three returns with all-new supercharged adventures this fall, Kara and team will come up against a new threat in the form of DC Worldkiller, Reign. | 23 | |
Season 4 | In season four, Supergirl is facing a bigger threat than she's ever faced before – a new wave of anti-alien sentiment, spreading across National City that’s fomented by Agent Liberty. As Kara mentors a new reporter at CatCo, Nia Nal, and tries to use the power of the press to shine a light on the issues threatening to tear the city apart, Supergirl takes to the skies to battle the many villains who rise up in this era of divisiveness. | 22 | |
Season 5 | Season four showed that truth, justice and the American way are stronger than fear and hate, as Supergirl stopped Lex Luthor’s anti-alien campaign with the power of the press, no cape required. As the world returns to normal, some things will never be the same now that Lena knows Kara's secret and the Monitor has arrived on Earth 38! | 19 | |
Season 6 | Proving that friendship is every bit as important as truth and justice, Kara Danvers balances her work as a reporter for CatCo Worldwide Media with her role as Supergirl, keeping National City and the Earth safe from sinister threats. As she struggles to navigate her day job and friends, her heart soars as she takes to the skies as Supergirl. | 20 |
Character | Person |
Kara Danvers / Supergirl / Kara Zor-El | Melissa Benoist |
Alex Danvers / Sentinel | Chyler Leigh |
J'onn J'onzz / Martian Manhunter | David Harewood |
Lena Luthor | Katie McGrath |
Querl 'Brainy' Dox / Brainiac-5 | Jesse Rath |
Nia Nal / Dreamer | Nicole Maines |
Kelly Olsen / Guardian | Azie Tesfai |
Andrea Rojas / Acrata | Julie Gonzalo |
William Dey | Staz Nair |
Nyxlygsptlnz / 'Nyxly' | Peta Sergeant |